Sunday, March 22, 2009

Well, it’s been an eventful few weeks. The kids were out last week for spring break and will be out one more week. I really like having them around but not having alone time makes writing a challenge. Still, I’m pluggin’ along. I’m still working on Good Girls Don’t as well as the second round of edits for Rude Awakening.

Rude Awakening was written over a period of four years. It was all put together very haphazardly. My grammar and punctuation skills are sadly lacking. So the first round was really tough. This go round isn’t as intense but there’s still a lot of work to be done. I’m learning a lot. I find myself enjoying the process. I'm just thrilled to be writing again.

Dragon’s Reign was not accepted but I haven’t given up hope for it. I will be reworking it in hopes that I can find a home for it out there somewhere. I believe in the characters and the story, I’m not willing to shelve it quite yet.

I think I’ve become addicted to Twitter, especially since I found Christopher Walken through a friend. I’ve even downloaded TweetDeck. That was probably a bad idea considering the fact that in tweets at me when someone posts a new tweet. I have to go see what they’ve said. I just can’t resist.

I’m still working on my tired little website. I just got FrontPage, now to figure out how to use it. I probably won’t be able to devote a whole lot of time to it until I get finished with my edits and Good Girls Don’t. Well, back to work for me. See y’all next time!


1 comment:

  1. I'm just happy you are writing. Looking forward to reading you again. Love ya
